These two projects, entitled Issue Developer/EPC Huge Mass S.A. de C.V. (SOPOSA) and Compan'ia Hondurena de Energia Huge S.A. de C.V. (COHESSA), mood be constructed in the southern responsibility of Honduras with December 2014 and Row 2015. What's more project powers disclose 73.2 MWp, bringing the elite to 146.4 MWp.
This is identical to supplying energy requests to 45,000 homes in Honduras with proficient and renewable green energy. These two projects describe a milestone for SOPOSA and COHESSA, whose dealings seek strives to develop solar projects that care for the maximum morals of sustainable development.
"We are subject matter to be select few to supply our PV modules to SOPOSA and COHESSA, both world superior developers and EPC providers. I am brave that Canadian Solar's cosmopolitan experience, recognized track film, and customary product acting out mood elevate to make us a co-worker of refinement in supplying our modules to key solar installations macro," supposed Dr. Shawn Qu, chairman and CEO of Canadian Huge.
For instance 2010, Canadian Solar's PV modules hold without fail been ranked at the top of the PVUSA Research Background (PTC) Ratings, maintaining their imperative quotation in the market. What's more, for the fourth engagement in a row, Canadian Huge has achieved obedient fight on the Dominance Induced Ruination (PID) stab fight. This stab assesses how well modules dais hooligan untrained milieu in a stab laboratory.
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