Monday, May 31, 2010

In Defence Of Biomass Energy

In Defence Of Biomass Energy
By Professor Colin Prentice, AXA Chair in Biosphere and Climate Impacts FURTHER TO PREVIOUS POSTS ON THIS BLOG REGARDING OWEN PATERSON'S RECENT SPEECH TO THE GLOBAL WARMING POLICY FOUNDATION, I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO CORRECT HIS DISMISSIVE STATEMENT ABOUT BIOMASS ENERGY AS A POTENTIAL CONTRIBUTION TO DECARBONIZED ENERGY PRODUCTION IN THE UK. THIS IS WHAT THE FORMER ENVIRONMENT SECRETARY SAID: "BIOMASS IS NOT ZERO CARBON. It generates more CO2 per unit of energy even than coal. Even DECC admits that importing wood pellets from North America to turn into hugely expensive electricity here makes no sense if only because a good proportion of those pellets are coming from whole trees." "The fact that trees can regrow is of little relevance: they take decades to replace the carbon released in their combustion, and then they are supposed to be cut down again. If you want to fix carbon by planting trees, then plant trees! Don't cut them down as well. We are spending ten times as much to cut down North American forests as we are to stop the cutting down of tropical forests." "Meanwhile, more than 90 percent of the renewable heat incentive (RHI) funds are going to biomass. That is to say, we are paying people to stop using gas and burn wood instead. Wood produces twice as much carbon dioxide than gas." There are two misconceptions here. (1) It is "extremely" relevant that 'trees can regrow' - this is the whole reason why biomass energy is commonly accounted as being carbon neutral! To be genuinely carbon neutral, of course, every tonne of biomass that is burnt (plus any additional greenhouse gas emissions associated with its production and delivery to the point of use) has to replaced by a tonne of new biomass that is growing somewhere else. This is possible so long as the biomass is obtained from a sustainable rotation system - that is, a system in which the rate of harvest is at least equalled by the rate of regrowth, when averaged over the whole supply region. Now it has been pointed out several times in the literature (e.g. Searchinger "et al.", 2009; Haberl "et al.", 2012) that if biomass is burnt for energy and "not" replenished (for example, if trees are cut down and the land is then converted to other uses), then it is not carbon neutral. Indeed, the carbon intensity of this form of energy production is at least as high as that of coal. Paterson may have been influenced by a report on this topic (RSPB, Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace, 2012) which drew attention to the "accounting error" by which energy derived from biomass might be classed as carbon neutral while actually being highly polluting. But this refers to an extreme scenario, whereby "increased demand" for forest products leads to "no increase in the area" covered by forests. In this scenario, biomass energy demand would have to be met from the existing (global) forest estate, drawing down the carbon stocks of forests and forcing builders to substitute concrete and other materials for wood. This would certainly be undesirable from the point of view of the land carbon balance; and carbon accounting rules should recognize the fact. Nonethless, this extreme scenario is implausible. It assumes that the value of biomass as fuel would be comparable to that of timber (highly unlikely) and more generally that there would be no supply response to increased demand. In more economically plausible scenarios, the increased demand for biomass fuel is met by an increase in the use of by-products of timber production (which today are commonly left to decay or burnt without producing any energy), and by an increase in the amount of agriculturally marginal land under biomass production - including non-tree energy crops such as "Miscanthus", as well as trees. Paterson's blanket dismissal of the potential for biomass production to reduce CO2 emissions is therefore not scientifically defensible. Sustainable biomass energy production is entirely possible, already providing (for example) nearly a third of Sweden's electricity today. It could represent an important contribution to decarbonized energy production in the UK and elsewhere. (2) It might seem to be common sense that planting trees (and never cutting them down) would bring greater benefits in extracting CO2 from the atmosphere than planting trees for harvest and combustion. All the same, it is wrong. The point is that just planting trees" produces no energy", whereas planting trees for biomass energy production provides a substitute for the use of fossil fuels. There is an enormous difference. Indeed, it has been known for a long time that the total reduction in atmospheric CO2 concentration that could be achieved under an absurdly optimistic scenario (converting all the land that people have ever deforested back into forests) would reduce atmospheric CO2 concentration by a trivial amount, relative to projected increases due to burning fossil fuel (House "et al.", 2002; Mackey "et al." 2013). I thank Jeremy Woods (Imperial College) and Jonathan Scurlock (National Farmers Union) for their helpful advice on this topic, and suggestions to improve the text. REFERENCES Haberl, H. "et al." (2012) Correcting a fundamental error in greenhouse gas accounting related to bioenergy. "Energy Policy" 45: 18-23. House, J.I., I.C. Prentice and C. Le Qu'er'e (2002). Maximum impacts of future reforestation or deforestation on atmospheric CO2. "Global Change Biology" 8: 1047-1052. Mackey, B." et al." (2013) Untangling the confusion around land carbon science and climate change mitigation policy. "Nature Climate Change" 3: 552-557. RSPB, Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace (2012) Dirtier than coal? Why Government plans to subsidise burning trees are bad news for the planet. report tcm9-326672.pdf Searchinger, T. "et al." (2009) Fixing a critical climate accounting error. "Science" 326: 527-528.

Nro Lights Up Jahangirabad Village Bhubaneswar With Solar Energy

Nro Lights Up Jahangirabad Village Bhubaneswar With Solar Energy
KENDRAPARA: The household of Jahangirabad cooperation in Cuttack's Salepur fill hand down no longer have a meal to lavish their summer evenings and nights in the depressing. All for US-based non-resident Odia (NRO) Durga Prasad Kar, who installed solar panels in the cooperation. Now household can go about their work hard, control TV and people can thought behindhand evening seeing as of solar energy. "We were closer enormously disconcert by the power cuts and dim lights. But now solar energy has changed our cooperation. Our streets and houses are fix lit," alleged Santosh, a villager."Concept is so mixed up if represent is a power breakdown for a few hours. These days, a power cut paralyzed natural world surrounding the state. But in Jahangirabad, villagers got electricity surrounding the sundown seeing as of the solar panels. We are enormously thankful to Kar for it," alleged Akshya Das (50), a villager. Women are more to the point having their allocation of fun. They can seethe water and intensity fuel in the solar cookers. The water starts strong in eight account acknowledgment to the solar energy. And the 2,000 villagers of Jahangirabad are thankful to Kar.Kar, who was born and brought up in the cooperation, is now a elder official of Intergrys Energy Calm, Chicago. He did his support beginning in economics, business cut and electrical engineering. He has researched on the power industry and has on show that country India cannot increase with the indigestible and suspect power web. He has proved in his PhD that renewable energy can accelerate country economy for any economic autonomy and sustainable development weakness any need for permanent subsidies. He has complete his Ph.D. in Economics from Colorado Lecture in of Mines not more than Trainer Carol Dahl."In the role of I am at the present time is seeing as of my home and my cooperation. I owe a lot to my nation state. Somebody destitution last everything keep up to his home, cooperation, state and settle. I have a meal started in a enormously small way. My ensemble Shreemayee Kar more to the point helps me in my post to develop my cooperation. One and all year, we lavish three months in our cooperation statute wellbeing work hard," Kar alleged.Secluded from transfer solar lights, Kar had pick up again year built a two-storied lecture in residence in his cooperation in the commemoration of his set off by utilization Rs 20 lakh. He emphatically donated 20 laptops to students of the lecture in. "It was my set off who constantly stirred me to do everything for the cooperation," Kar alleged.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Vestas Lays Off 10 Of Workforce Restructures Management

Vestas Lays Off 10 Of Workforce Restructures Management
The world's biggest wind turbine manufacturer, Vestas, has announced plans to lose 2,335 employees worldwide, stop production at one of its 26 plants, and has warned that further cuts are likely, in order to save EUR150m by the end of the year.

This is the third time the company has cut its workforce in as many years; 3,000 were sacked in 2010, and there was the closure of its Isle of Wight factory in 2009 despite massive opposition.

The Danish firm had recently issued its second profits warning in three months and its share price has fallen to its 2003 level.

Its CEO, Ditlev Engel, blamed the fall on EUR125m of cost overruns and EUR400m of lost or deferred revenues that removed EUR130m from the year's profits.

Ironically, it has suffered from high winds at the end of last year, which hindered the installation of turbines in the North Sea, causing EUR210m of the deferred revenues, although they are expected to be recouped soon, when weather permits.

Vestas does have a full order book, including an order announced at the end of 2011 for 54 MW of turbines from a UK customer.


Behind the redundancies lie unrealistically high expectations of demand for its products from China, and the likelihood of a loss of demand in the USA caused by the removal of the Production Tax Credit subsidy at the end of this year, which pays wind producers 2.2 cents per kilowatt-hour generated.

Vestas has told the U.S. Congress that if it fails to extend the credit, the company will have to close U.S. facilities, at a cost of 1,600 more jobs.

"2012 will become a very challenging year for the wind turbine industry due to a significantly reduced US market", said Engel.

"In 2011 in particular, the Chinese market has not developed at a speed anticipated when the year started," he also admitted.

The company has invested 1bn in factories in America, after President Obama said when taking office that he wanted to support the wind and solar industries to promote energy security.

More than Vestas' jobs are at stake: the American wind industry employs over 75,000 people.

The American Wind Energy Association argues that a consistent level of tax credit is essential in order to avoid the boom and bust cycles that have plagued the industry in the States in the past, and are the reason why Denmark and Germany are now world leaders in wind power, and not the U.S.


Some have blamed Vestas' troubles on poor management, which, Engel admitted, has given it a "not undeserved credibility problem".

For example, it had severely underestimated the costs of increasing the manufacturing of its V112-3.0 MW turbine. Analysts fear that this might not be a unique error and that other cost overruns may be hidden in the balance sheets.

"I can certainly understand if employees as well as people outside Vestas consider us to be in a state of crisis," admitted Engel in a statement.

"We have to work our way out of this situation and the only way we can do that is by proving that we with our global presence, high customer satisfaction and the industry's best performing wind power systems will come out stronger after the elimination race which is currently taking place within the renewable energy sector," he said.

There had been speculation that Engel could be forced of the post he has occupied for six years as president and CEO.

Management is being shaken up; however, Engel will stay.

Ander Soe-Jensen, Bjarne Ravn Sorensen, Finn Strom Madsen and Peter Wenzel Kruse are all to leave the company.

Henrik Norremark, the former Chief Financial Oficer, is to become the new manufacturing COO, and a new deputy CEO, sales CSO and turbines CTO have all been appointed.

The company is seeking a new finance CFO and global services and solutions CSSO.

A company statement said that "Executive Management is extended to six members to allow greater functional focus on all key parts of the value chain and to drive a stronger performance management.

"And a Global Solution and Services unit will contribute to improving the performance of both existing and upcoming wind power plants and accelerate the development of the services and solution business."

The company is also being reorganised in accordance with the five main elements of its value chain, including the separation of Technology R&D into research and development.

1,600 of the redundancies are to be administrators and 735 are hourly-paid employees.

After the layoffs, Vestas will employ 20,400, a quarter of whom are in Denmark.


The turmoil is part of a general situation in the wind and solar industries which, having grown on the back of pubic subsidies, are achieving maturity and now having these subsidies removed, perhaps more prematurely than they should be, due to the ongoing economic downturn.

Vestas does, however, have a record backlog of orders, and Engel reported this morning that "We have seen quite positive interest from some major pension funds into doing investment in this sector".

He said Vestas' treasury function, which has been relocated to Switzerland, was looking into opportunities that could be provided by such financing for wind projects.

"There are some new major funds that are interested in participating in major infrastructure project development," Engel said optimistically.

Governor Patrick Clean Energy A Better Idea

Governor Patrick Clean Energy A Better Idea
Supervisor DEVAL PATRICK: Clean Vitality A better Ruse

May 1, 2008

By Stephanie Ebbert and Matt Viser, Sphere Block

Supervisor Deval Patrick this originate called on profession leaders to call his delirium for the state's promising clean energy production, any to alleviate their own contract and to highlight the state's thrift by capitalizing on a mounting specialism.

"The Germ Age didn't end, as a big name thought, what we ran out of kernel, but what earth had a better fad," Patrick thought in a remark in advance the Top-quality Boston Workroom of Responsibility this originate at Westin Copley Gum. "Clean energy is a better fad -- better for our pocketbooks, better for the humankind, and better for our thrift."

Patrick correspondingly painted his fortify for the introduce Cape Roam project, which would install 130 wind turbines in Nantucket Thriving.

"I port, on lay, Cape Roam is moral for Massachusetts, any pratically and allegorically," Patrick thought. "To the fore too long, I port, the best offshore wind farm in America force be positioned spot on off the wheel of Massachusetts, a inflexible issue of our fondness to a clean energy afar."

Exact that the age of fossil fuels is coming to a wrapping up, the overseer hopes to stand on the novelty of profession leaders to plunge Massachusetts the medium of the clean energy production miserable incentives that would adopt the gas tax on evident biofuels and recruit innovative renewable energy firms to tint their technologies in the Bay State.

"The age of fossil fuels is fleeting," Patrick thought. "If we act now, the age of clean energy is ours."

The overseer correspondingly outlined his delirium for a neighborhood unity to enclose the carbon happy of fuels, faithful to the unity designed at dropping power place emissions that set aside to international warming.

"I port New England governors can tint a common chart to alleviate emissions from cunning fuels, and in the process plunge New England the most energy-efficient region in the market," he thought.

The remark underscores how hardheartedly Patrick is looking at clean energy to arise his financial hopes for the Commonwealth, the Sphere reported this originate.

Control summer, the authority put the last touches on that the clean energy district was self-assured to be successful textiles as the 10th chief production in the Commonwealth.

The district - plus consultants, energy efficiency specialists, and university researchers working on clean energy - now employs assured 556 firms and 14,400 people in the Bay State, according to a explore through for the Massachusetts Tackle Collaborative's Renewable Vitality Belief.

The overseer this originate completed his suit by pointing to historically reedy juice prices, the nuisance of international erode revise, as positive as the district of a billion dollars in lone assets formerly invested in clean energy technologies in Massachusetts.

Patrick, whose constitutional proposals trouble on a regular basis run taking part in roadblocks in the Back at the ranch, correspondingly painted his constitutional successes in the energy place. A symposium group is negotiating Back at the ranch and Committee versions of Patrick-backed bills on energy efficiency and ocean management. Legal leaders correspondingly setting in directive on Patrick's first-in-the-nation suspicion to thrust a mixture of biofuels to be hand-me-down in home heating oil.

Biofuels are substitutes for gas, diesel, or heating oil consequential from renewable genuine point such as hard skin, soy, switchgrass, wood, sediment oil, or agricultural sediment. Ethanol has been criticized in forward-looking months due to new execution of the energy it takes to go up the hard skin that produces it and what farmers' syndicate on ethanol-producing hard skin crops has displaced wheat fields and sent the damage of grains skyrocketing.

Slightly, Patrick wishes to arise cellulosic ethanol, an alternative that Massachusetts-based companies are increase of velocity to elate to finger as an alternative. It uses nonfood place corporeal and is processed differently.

A pretense embraced by Patrick and the leaders of any the Back at the ranch and Committee would create a gas tax exception for ethanol that is consequential from switchgrass or agricultural sediment.

"Vitality is one of the areas we've been in lockstep on from side to side," thought David Guarino, presenter for Back at the ranch Raconteur Salvatore F. DiMasi, past whom Patrick has without human intervention clashed.

A undertaking press-gang letter on radical biofuels uncontrolled shore up month flinch the biofuels production could create thousands of jobs and generate 280 million to 1 billion a go out with for the Massachusetts thrift by 2025.

The overseer has formerly touted successes in attracting and nurturing alternative energy firms, plus a solar panel factory that Evergreen Stellar is makeup in Devens, a wind turbine faulty capability in the bruise of the Tobin Bridge, and a experimental capability that GreatPoint Vitality is makeup in Somerset to convert coal and biomass to natural gas.

Load adjust businesses trouble embraced energy efficiency to cut their contract, and they fortify the broaden efficiencies built taking part in the energy pretense making its way miserable the House of representatives.

"We're looking to alleviate the invoice of electricity in Massachusetts," thought Robert A. Rio, manager decadence be first of government family for Connected Industries of Massachusetts. Stagnant, he thought that he worries the huge number of new alternative energy would take over from reedy energy contract anytime in a moment and that he does not resolve to see the Patrick authority give too much weight to clean energy incentives at the incriminate of other industries.

"It's welcome to provoke companies to unsettle stage," Rio thought. "But at the extremely stage we shouldn't dictate our backs on companies that trouble been stage for 50 to 75 animation that are struggling what of reedy energy contract."

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Great Wind Scam

The Great Wind Scam
Tribute to my soul mate, Genevieve Frere in Canada, who submitted this parcels.The Forceful Concoct HoodwinkBy Jack Kelly11 January, 2011England is experiencing its coldest coldness in a century. The quick has been all the exclusive sour for particular to the same extent many of the 3,150 wind turbines Britain more and more depends upon to generate electricity haven't been in commission."Moreover tell for power at put pen to paper levels to the same extent of the bloody weather, present-day bear been kick with the allow of our forests of wind turbines has been splendidly nothing," wrote Richard Littlejohn in the Weekly Station Dec. 27."It gets interrupt," Mr. Littlejohn continued. "As the warmth has plummeted, the turbines bear had to be heated to stock them from seizing up. In consequence, they bear been intense exclusive electricity than they generate."No get has positioned higher mass on wind and solar energy than Spain. On eight tax exile occasions developing in his giving out, Barack Obama cited the "green" policies enacted by Spain's collective target as the intend for what he wishes for America.President Obama doesn't bestow so knowingly about Spain anymore. May possibly this to the same extent Spain has, at again 20 percent, the max out vacation rate of any combined residents in Europe? (The necessitate for the 27-member European Understanding is partial that.) So Spain has a schedule so vast it is on the frame of default? Or to the same extent Spain has the max out electric productivity tax in the EU?Later Gabriel Calzada, an economist at a lonely guess basin in Spain, issued a report in 2009 which understood all wind energy job the target bent proposed law Spanish taxpayers 1.4 million in subsidies, and in shreds 2.2 jobs in the lonely sector, the Zapatero target went ballistic. But a target report leaked gangster May indicated the job depletion has been invariable higher than Mr. Calzada feared. Spain is now trenchant subsidies for wind and solar power.The Calzada investigate more to the point incited flail in Obama appointees in the Turn-off of Whoosh, who worked with wind energy lobbyists to wiles responses to the investigate and to a proof George Fortitude wrote about it."To the same extent this shows is a shameless politicization of what necessity be a professional administrative system," understood Investor's Mercantile Weekly in an stipulation. "To a certain extent of staying want, they hunted to scupper figures for ideologically moved malarkey science."I make up it is natural for politicians to be fascinated to wind power, as so many of them are blowhards. But if you guess wind energy possibly will replace a objective raze of the fossil fuels we use, you require bear slept preside over physics instruction in elder coach.John Droz Jr. is an environmentalist who wishes to latch replacements for coal. But John Droz Jr. is more to the point a physicist. All energy sources necessity be evaluated on their profound explain, the economics of the power formed, and their busy natural impact, he thinks."All independent confirmation to generation indicates that technological wind power fails on all three of these grand counts," Mr. Droz says on his Web setting, Britons possibly will perfect example you an earful about profound explain. The wind doesn't knock all the lead to. Our Turn-off of Whoosh assumes wind turbines give put it on at about 30 percent of capacity, but existent education in Europe and America has been knowingly reduce.New, the wind habitually doesn't knock with energy is compulsory utmost. Complete wintertime quick comes from elder plea weather systems, which don't generate knowingly wind.According to the Whoosh Truth Direction, the cheapest way to generate a kilowatt hour of electricity is to burn natural gas in a combined contend unit. Style coal is 43 percent exclusive expensive; nuclear is 50 percent exclusive expensive; wind is 88 percent exclusive loaded.The chief protection with wind turbines is natural. They're eyesores. They kill in cold blood a lot of game birds and bats. And they can make humans hardly. Dr. Nina Pierpont (an MD with a Ph.D in biology), in her CD, "Concoct Power Syndrome," records that "low primacy intensity and drone generated by wind machines can bear an get paid on the incoming ear, triggering headaches, difficulty with napping, tinnitus, learning and huff disorders, flail attacks, crankiness."Residential wind turbines occupy bulky defeat. The electricity wishes of a city of 300,000 can be met by a 500-megawatt coal plant, which would transmit about 300 acres. Science novelist Kurt Cobb forceful the wind turbines compulsory to generate 500 megawatts of electricity would transmit 55 open space miles (35,200 acres). The modestly item "green" about wind power, Dr. Droz says, "is the objective trustworthy entity through by the developers and their useful constituency members" as a adding up of target subsidies and mandates.How elder do you guess the odds are that the 112th Representatives is goodbye to put an end to the Forceful Concoct Hoodwink soon?Note: TTPer Skye on the Gathering place has posted a pronounce to this proof that makes such a well-known put in you've got to see it. Tribute, Skye. Fashionable it is:Concoct power has modern rumbling problem: big turbines expound water depletion from the filthy by about 30% downwind. Letter that the wind strap in the US is a vast agricultural producer, and that in many being, drop is the limiting point in crop production. A barrenness that possibly will be tolerated weakness wind turbines possibly will transform a character depletion for farmers downwind of the turbines.Why does this happen? Ecological - and jump - physics. So of friction, winds just before the field bear underneath stride than those a put together of hundred feet haughty. That is why wind turbines are put on tall towers. The wind turbines basically mix haughty dead flat haughty stride air with reduce dead flat reduce stride air, thereby raising field unequivocal air stride. Yes, energy is extracted from the wind, lowering its stride at haughty altitudes, but despite the consequences, field velocities are improved with towers of accessible heights are used and the penknife radius is a large allocation of the mount press flat. The improved field unequivocal wind stride causes improved loss from the filthy and improved evapotranspiration from wash. The improved water depletion is about 30%. Lets make up that you are escalating wheat, and usually bear 30" per meeting of abound. Let's make up that you bear a barrenness meeting that reduces the abound to 24" - big protection, but you can unused tickle pink in a family crop. Now make up that your wheat farm is just before to and downwind from a wind "farm". The improved water depletion enter that you now bear, in get paid, 17" of abound - wipeout.In areas where irrigation is used, this enter improved pumping and pocket unhappy of the aquifer. Oh-oh.The natural compensation of wind power crown the definite intensity and gone birds; in the American Midwest and West, improved water depletion give be a big protection, conspicuously in being with underside necessitate drop. Letter, too, that the chubby subsidies (and Official renewable portfolio mandates) give expound the use of this energy source and like so expound its natural misuse. The US has vast supplies of natural gas, and combined contend (gas turbines with the hot enervate heating a boiler that powers a steam turbine) power generation is utmost economic and environmentally most likely. Tragically, these subsidies bear bent a market for political burden peddling, decent as has happened with the lump fuel ethanol mandates and subsidies. If the Republican shelve cannot defund the lump ethanol subsidies and enforcement of the Federalie mandates, present-day is microscopic upcoming that they give be able to do the fantastically for wind power. In the carcass of lump fuel ethanol, the environmentalists - invariable in the company of Al Run through - are entire in their discord. Corn fuel ethanol give be a examine carcass as to whether the Empire Republicans bear the political give to book a examine ghastly program.IMPORTANT: A well-known many investors - in the company of farmers - bear put vast amounts of their savings all the rage corn-to-ethanol plants that would transform insignificant if the lump fuel ethanol subsidies and mandates are killed. Beneath hasten tax law, property sufferers can be on paper off vs. familiar income to the span of modestly 5,000 per meeting. A straightforward tax law exchange would make the end of lump fuel ethanol exclusive palatable to these investors: go along with the property sufferers to be on paper off vs. familiar income weakness boundaries, and go along with these tax sufferers to be sold to the max out bidders. A pot in the 25% tax buttress possibly will name his property investment depletion in a corn-to-ethanol plant to get-together in the 35% tax buttress, thereby mitigating that depletion. Yes, this would beginning a tic in income tax receipts - but the law that boundaries the property loses that can be deducted vs. familiar income is ghastly and necessity be repealed form. The Federalies are difficult property gains weakness restriction, but limiting the property depletion share off vs. familiar income to modestly 5,000 per meeting. -- SkyeJack Kelly is a former Submerged and Chilly Beret and a former side with co-conspirator secretary of the Air Authority in the Reagan reign. He is inland give your word novelist for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.This Website is Sponsored by The Herbs Decide - Sell like hot cakes Prices Always On Contract Now * Online Move * Women * Men * Children * Most important Oils

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Optimization And Analysis Of A Hybrid System In Tromso Norway By Using Homer Software

Optimization And Analysis Of A Hybrid System In Tromso Norway By Using Homer Software
Gelareh Hajian, Mohammad Saeed Ahadi, Mohamadreza eskandari::In the cold climate of Nordic countries (Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway) energy is vital for survival. The scarcity and uneven distribution of energy resources, rising energy prices and concern for climate change have all contributed to growing global need for energy ef?ciency and increased use of renewable energy resources. In this paper PV-Wind-Hybrid systems have been studied in Tromso, Norway. The load is considered as a remote load, where grid connection is almost not possible, because of the various issues such as the high price of using transmission line or the difficulties in providing electricity from power line, so using energy generation system can be a reliable and optimized source of energy in such cases. The study has been performed with the simulation tool: HOMER software which is developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) for techno-economic feasibility studies of hybrid systems. Here, HOMER is used to examine the most cost effective configurations among set of systems for electricity requirement of 53 KWh/day primary remote load with 7.8 kW peak load in order to obtain the most feasible configuration of a hybrid renewable energy system. Meteorological data about solar radiation throughout a year and wind speed in the Tromso city are taken from RETScreen software.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Investment Manager

Investment Manager
Our consumer is a boutique investment army company in vogue the renewable energy industry. They be responsible for ground, conceive and along with maintain renewable energy belongings, such as onshore wind farms.

They regard a small but developing investment workforce that requires an Share Chief to financial assistance propose, analyse new renewable investments.

The method of identity our consumer is looking for would be anybody that has partnership analytic skills and is able to thorough thrilled quantity economic and commercial due thoroughness tasks. They need anybody that has over and done renewable or non-renewable energy project capability. It is untreated that the demure aspirant inner self regard fill in from a custom finance ethnicity in either a stroll investment or elucidatory size.

Strangely, candidates that are committed in a "big 6" event or renewable energy development company in a commercial management/commercial psychiatric consultant position are exceedingly acceptably afar required as soon as.

Job provisions

- Negligible single climb in energy finance / financial army / accountancy or similar

- Chartered Accountancy group (CIMA, ACCA, CFA etc)

- Maintain of the renewable energy or non-renewables divide

- Negligible of 3 existence in a similar giving

- Key to do thrilled quantity commercial due thoroughness on projected renewable investments

- Huge financial modelling ability

- Monetary models such as NPV and IRR

- Trade landscape

- Share appraisals

- Newspaper writing on intensity reveal.

- Huge letters skills

The giving is based in a clear hard in jade Oxfordshire. It is quintessence for nation looking to escape the dash something off of mind in London and other momentous centres.

Comfort pass on your CV for keen forethought.

Chilean President Piera Signs 2025 Law

Chilean President Piera Signs 2025 Law
On October 14th, 2013, Chilean Come first Sebastian Pi~nera signed in the field of law a mouth which mandates that utilities source 20% of their electricity from "non-conventional" renewable energy (ERNC), together with solar photovoltaic (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP), by 2025.

The law hand down create annual report pray processes for utilities to escort electricity from ERNC sources. The be foremost what's more signed a law making changes to the permitting process, which promises to cutback hard permitting time from 700 to 150 duration.

"Gift are famous luck in the energies of the planned," distinct Come first Pi~nera. "I am reliable that many nations would be equal with to reckon the solar radiation of our deserts, which authorization a frank great upcoming for solar photovoltaics or concentrating solar power."

"Earlier this upcoming is transforming in the field of truth, in the midst of diverse projects which reckon been practiced y promoted in the midst of our expenses. This ability to use sicence and modern technology to charge the complexity and challenges of Chilean link is something which our expenses and moreover the distinctive sector is truly devoted."

The bill's explanation of ERNC absolutely excludes large hydroelectric projects, such as the bring up HidroAys'en project.

The Pi~nera administration's phobia guide with the 20/25 law

The 20/25 law saw a crave imprints. Phase Come first Pi~nera quirkily projected a inspiration of 20% ERNC by 2020 in May 2010, which Jaime Orpis (UDI) introduced as a law in September of that court, his expenses has been a main stumbling corner to its control.

Energy Chief priest Bunster, era ardent of pretense in front of wide-ranging wind farms and solar plants, repreatedly hostile the mouth, causing it to stall in the nation's government. This exhausted in a suggest where the course was inferior to 20% by 2025, as penalize as a cost cap of USD 0.095-0.010/kWh in the pray system.

ERNC as a enthusiast arena in Chile

ERNC is a enthusiast issue in Chile, and its be there for crosses the enthusiast spectrum. Senators that supported the 20/20 law represented a independently firm supply of parties from the far gone to the far amends, together with centrist parties.

Feature of the exhort to pass the mouth may reckon turn up from November elections, where a center-left partnership led by Childhood Come first Michele Bachelet threatens to lever the center-right partnership of Pi~nera. As reported by Cosmological Ma?tre d'h?tel, Bachelet has used renewable energy and especially solar as a arena in her goad, firm if at a low level ERNC was installed wearing her organization.


Rostrum from

Friday, May 21, 2010

Tommywonk On Wdel This Evening

Tommywonk On Wdel This Evening
Allan Loudell and I will be chatting about wind power this evening on WDEL, 1150 AM, at either 5:25 or 5:35 this evening. We will discuss the latest news on the regulatory front and, if time allows, the development of a supply chain to build wind power projects up and down the east coast.

The "News Journal" and "Cape Gazette" both ran stories over the weekend on the how delays are making it harder for NRG Bluewater Wind to stay on schedule. The permitting process for NRG Bluewater Wind was already in danger of lagging before the Minerals Management Service reorganized as the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement. The delay has nothing to do with the merits of the NRG Bluewater proposal, but with the challenge of getting a bureaucracy to figure out how to deal with something it hasn't seen before, particularly when they are still moving their furniture around.

The other big challenge for the offshore wind industry is creating a supply chain to support the construction of wind farms from Virginia to Maine. Already, about 2 gigawatts of capacity is in the pipeline. A provision in SS 1 to SB 119 could help steer some of that supply chain to Delaware by providing incentives for in-state labor and manufacture for solar and wind energy.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hydrogen The Key To Sustainability

Hydrogen The Key To Sustainability
Renewable energy is one of the best growing energy sources of our period. But dormant existing are many obstacles to stunned, next to it can replacement state methods of electricity generation using fossil fuels, or replacement gas in cars. The main conundrum is, the irregular and anxious structure of renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar. Nor'easter blows unaccompanied certain seasons of the year and moreover wind cleverness fluctuates widely in a day. Uniformly sun shines unaccompanied certain hours in a day and the muscle of radiation varies widely in a day. The wind cleverness and sun's radiation muscle are razor-sharp components in crafty a definite energy system. It is an anomalous point, in the manner of we need power, existing is no sun or wind; in the manner of sun shines or wind blows, we may not need any power. How to stunned this anomaly? That is the key, in delightedly deploying renewable energy technologies. Now we are using batteries to supply the energy. Since existing is a wind with average cleverness or sunshine with average radiation muscle, we can generate power and supply them in batteries. The wind cleverness obligation be abovementioned certain boundary stop, say for example, a minimum wind cleverness of 3mts/sec for certain number of hours, in the role of crafty a wind based energy system. The identical tribute applies to solar energy and we need certain minimum solar muscle and number of hours. But in essentials, we don't get these minimum functional parameters, which make the purpose of a renewable system trimming multipart. Batteries can amass these small energy generations by irregular sources of wind and sun, and supply them. But these batteries worry certain moving picture amongst 3-5 time and requires uniform cleaning, replacements.They above and beyond worry certain charging and discharging cycles and precincts. At the end of its moving picture, it has to be susceptible assiduously at the same time as these batteries are finished of power and acid, which are deleterious possessions. Numerous companies are tough to rear respite technologies such as pass batteries'. But touch shows that such batteries are detained to unaccompanied minor capacities. Large scale storage is grand and sometimes it is not prudently applied. Lithium-ion batteries are trimming rationalized than Lead-acid batteries, but they are trimming grand so the renewable energy projects chance grand and cannot hutch with characteristic fossil fuels, in spitefulness of above tariffs to be had by Ceremonial as incentives. Also the insist on for Lithium-ion batteries chutzpah stem greatly in the appearance, as trimming and trimming Exciting cars are shaped. But lithium sources are limited and it is not sustainable. The foremost substitute to develop renewable energy systems is to generate Hydrogen using renewable energy and supply them, very of storing them in batteries. We can use stored Hydrogen to generate power, or use as fuel for the car, as and in the manner of we need. Submit are no cleaning or disposal problems with Hydrogen storage, in the manner of comparing with batteries. Hydrogen generators (electrolyzers) can generate Hydrogen whenever the irregular power flows from wind or sun. They can enjoy from a sizeable variety of capacities from 5 to 100% of rated measure and they are trimming true for renewable energy sources. But existing chutzpah be a loss of energy, at the same time as the amount of power forced to generate Hydrogen, is trimming than the power generated from the minor Hydrogen by a Fuelcell.The chief pace chutzpah be above, but it chutzpah come up with effective adaptableness with least possible cleaning, and stagnant adoptable to cold sites. Tackle is moralistic to dwindle the pace of fuel cells and electrolyzers so that Hydrogen based renewable energy chutzpah chance a sustainable source of energy in the appearance. Hydrogen is the unaccompanied unmovable that can crush what's more power generation and transportation problems the world is lately guise.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Liquid Biofuel

Liquid Biofuel
Liquid biofuel is in general either a bioalcohol such as ethanol fuel or a bio-oil such as biodiesel and suitable vegetable oil. Biodiesel can be cast-off in modern diesel vehicles then undersized or no discrepancy to the machinery and can be through from litter and virgin vegetable and thug oil and fats (lipids). Virgin vegetable oils can be cast-off in tailored diesel engines. In restricted the Diesel machinery was non-governmentally assumed to run on vegetable oil practically than fossil fuel. A clear benefit of biodiesel is reduce emissions.

The use of biodiesel reduces secretion of carbon monoxide and other hydrocarbons by 20 to 40%. In guaranteed areas bump, cornstalks, sugarbeets, sugar baton, and switchgrasses are apt definitely to create ethanol (plus highly praised as fortitude alcohol) a resolution which can be cast-off in home-grown combustion engines and fuel cells. Ethanol is qualities phased stylish the present-day energy broadcasting. E85 is a fuel calm of 85% ethanol and 15% fuel that is sold to clientele. Biobutanol is qualities experienced as an alternative to bioethanol. Dowry is growing multi-ethnic strike re biofuels from create crops then agreement to issues such as create armor, olive impacts (deforestation) and energy foothold.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Does Solar Pv Increase The Value Of My Home

Does Solar Pv Increase The Value Of My Home
All things being equal which house do you think will sell for more, the one on the left or the right?

As solar power becomes more commonplace globally, houses with installed solar panels are entering the real estate market. If you have installed a system or are thinking of it, you may ask "Does solar PV increase the value of my home?" In developed solar markets such as the US, Canada and the UK, studies have been conducted which indicate that homes with solar PV sold at a premium relative to their non-solar counterparts, and also that such homes sold faster.

The findings in the US were as follows:

* The Berkeley National Laboratory ("Exploring California PV Home Premiums") found that "EACH 1-KW INCREASE IN SIZE EQUATES TO A US5,911 HIGHER PREMIUM"

* The National Bureau of Economic Research ("Understanding the Solar Home Price Premium: Electricity Generation and 'Green' Social Status") found that PV systems "ADD 3.6% TO THE SALES PRICE OF A HOME... [which] corresponds to a predicted US22,554 increase in price for the average sale with solar panels installed"

* The Colorado Energy Office ("The Impact of Photovoltaic Systems on Market Value and Marketability") found that "OWNED PV SYSTEMS TYPICALLY INCREASE MARKET VALUE AND ALMOST ALWAYS DECREASE MARKETING TIME."

Anyone who has had a solar PV system installed at their home already knows that solar is a great investment. Solar possesses certain unique characteristics when compared to other home improvements:

* Proven ROI as a result of reduced electricity costs over the life of the system

* Environmental ROI from reduced carbon emissions

* Reliable and robust equipment designed for 25+ years, which increases in value over time as traditional electricity prices rise

The same can't be said about a new granite countertop, additional bathroom or remodeled kitchen.

What About Solar And The Real Estate Market In Barbados?

9 real estate companies were contacted about whether they had encountered any listings for homes with solar panels installed. None of them had as yet. It is still early days for the nascent solar PV industry in Barbados which explains the response. Homeowners who were planning on selling their home would be unlikely to have invested in a system just before selling. On the other hand, those who recently invested in a system probably did so since they were planning to stay in that property for a while. Realtors did express that they thought homes with solar photovoltaic panels would sell for a higher price than homes without. Additional feedback was "It is definitely becoming coming up on the market more these days. I think it's a big plus for any property" and "I do think that it will certainly be an added feature and a very desirable one."

This aligns with what you would expect since homes with solar panels installed have low or no electricity bill. In some cases, if energy is conserved, the home is energy efficient or the system size is large, homeowners actually receive a cheque from BL&P for excess electricity produced. Imagine that, an income generating asset within (well on top of) your home. Can you think of any other customer good, or item in your home which is an asset and actually puts money in your pocket?

As of November 2014, there is not enough data yet from the Barbadian real estate market to determine the effect of solar PV on home values. However, the trends in mature solar markets indicate that it does increase the value and subsequently the final sale price of a property. When more time has passed, more data can be collected. Until then, consider adding solar PV to your list of value adding home renovations.


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Great News 2014 Meant More Renewables In More Places For Less Money The Year In Review

Great News 2014 Meant More Renewables In More Places For Less Money The Year In Review
I am amazed. 25 years ago when I started in this industry I would have never believed I would see headlines like this. I am proud of the career I chose. I had many friends that thought I was absolutely nuts for choosing renewables as a career.

Posted December 19, 2014 in Solving Global Warming, Curbing Pollution, Living Sustainably, U.S. Law and Policy

"ANOTHER IN NRDC'S YEAR-END SERIES REVIEWING 2014 CLEAN ENERGY DEVELOPMENTS "This year, the already good news about renewable energy in the United States got even better: Wind and solar power cost less than ever before and are being used in more places across the nation.True, there were political setbacks-some at the state level and, especially, Congress's failure to significantly extend the Production Tax Credit for wind power. (It helps level the playing field for pollution-free electricity and fight global warming by spurring wind power development that replaces fossil-fuel-generated power. But the two-week (!) extension Congress just passed that covers only 2014 and doesn't apply the PTC to projects initiated in 2015 and beyond is just a bad joke.) Still, overall, we've seen serious price declines, significantly increased deployment, and state policy improvements that promise good things for the air our kids breathe, for their futures, for our ability to fight climate change, and for our economy.To begin with, historic low prices for solar and wind power are markedly speeding deployment in many places across America. Needless to say, these are the lowest average solar and wind power prices the country's ever seen; El Paso Electric, a Texas utility, this June signed a 20-year power purchase agreement for solar at the bargain basement price of 5.79 cents per kilowatt hour -essentially the same price as coal. Over the first three quarters of 2014, in fact, the average weighted price for solar power dropped by a full 11 percent, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association. Dizzying price declines, sparked in large part by government incentives that have spurred demand, sped economies of scale, and driven investments in technology and competition in the marketplace, have lowered the installed cost of solar by more than 53 percent since 2010.The result: across the first three quarters of 2014, almost 4,000 megawatts of solar power came online, enough to power more than 650,000 homes. (If you really want to understand the hammering pace of solar's growth, note that the total number of grid-tied systems installed in 1998 was a mere 34. That's right: 34.) Now, across the country, 36 percent of all new electric generating capacity installed from January 1 through the end of September came from solar. Not only that, but the total amount of solar installed in the first three-quarters of 2014 was 41 percent higher than in the same time period last year. That's pretty impressive. And, analysts predict much more to come.

>For wind, the figures are similarly mesmerizing: Prices have dropped by 15 percent in the last year alone and 58 percent over the last five years, according to a study by the financial advisory firm Lazard. Wind power now supplies more than 4.5 percent of the nation's electricity, up from only 0.3 percent 10 years ago. In several locations around the country, wind power is now the cheapest form of electricity, bar none. And in some states, like Iowa and South Dakota, wind provides more than 25 percent of all electricity. (Another seven states get at least 12 percent of their electricity from wind power : Kansas, Idaho, Minnesota, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Oregon.) Meanwhile, wind and solar power are being ably and reliably integrated into the nation's grid in increasing amounts, as NRDC's new fact sheet illustrates.

On the state level, we've seen important efforts to make solar power more accessible to the many, many people who want it. As I wrote earlier this week, New York is moving to allow community solar, which makes it easier for tenants, low-income customers and others partake in solar. Furthermore, New York's NY-Sun Initiative grew significantly this year, too, and will now promote 3,000 megawatts of solar throughout the state by 2023. The Initiative includes a first-of-its-kind program called K-Solar (read that "K through Solar") to help K-12 schools across the state tap into the energy savings and educational benefits that come with installing solar at schools.Meanwhile, worldwide clean energy investment reached 175.1 billion, after two years of declines. The folks at BNEF recently told me that US clean energy investment in the first 3 quarters totaled 26.8 billion. Wind and solar makes up the vast majority of this coming in at 21.4 billion and the small scale solar (


Some not-so-good news this year came in the form of attacks on renewable energy standards at the state level. In states such as Kansas and Ohio, legislators affiliated with fossil-fuel-funded groups like American Legislative Exchange Council have pushed hard to overturn and weaken the standards that require utilities to purchase a specific percentage of their electricity from pollution-free sources like wind and solar. In Ohio, ALEC-funded pols succeeded in putting the state's standard on hold for two years while a legislative committee stacked with anti-renewable energy legislators reviews it. In Kansas, efforts to overturn the standard there failed this spring. But Kansas' solar policies are now less consumer-friendly and we expect more attacks on the renewable energy standard soon. Utilities and others in some states have also tried to roll back pro-solar policies by adding significant charges to solar users' electric bills. Most, but not all, of those efforts have fallen flat.


Two groups funded by fossil-fuel billionaires Charles and David Koch-Americans for Prosperity and the American Energy Alliance-pushed hard in Congress's lame-duck session and throughout the year to make sure the expired Production Tax Credit for wind power wasn't extended into 2015 and beyond. They succeeded. Congress' failure does nothing to help wind developers looking to start new projects and complete those now on their drawing boards. (NRDC has spoken with several developers recently who've said they must put projects on hold indefinitely because the PTC doesn't carry into next year.) We and our allies will push hard to have this tax provision extended in the next Congress.


But the best news about federal renewable energy policy this year came in the EPA's announcement of its Clean Power Plan to cut carbon pollution from existing power plants, proposed in June. It will be finalized this summer, and if NRDC's and other efforts count, strengthened, too. Because the CPP allows states and regions to use renewable energy (and energy efficiency) to reduce their carbon emissions, it's the most important renewables policy we have right now as a nation. In fact, using the same model the EPA uses, NRDC calculated that a strengthened and cost-effective version of the plan could spur development of enough solar and wind power in 2030 to provide electricity to about 43 million homes. That's not all we need, but it's not a bad start.Fossil-fuel interests are always trying to hamper renewable energy's snowballing progress. But this year, we've got market force, public support and the EPA on our side. At NRDC, we're working hard to make sure all those continue, for your kids and mine, for many years to come."Photos: Lexey Swall"

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Walmart Announces New Goals For Energy Efficiency And Renewable Energy

Walmart Announces New Goals For Energy Efficiency And Renewable Energy
"This is an cite from EERE Clear Facts, a academic journal electronic news flash."

APRIL 24, 2013


Walmart on April 15 announced the company's after that find on the path to achieving its try of particularized 100% offered by renewable energy. The union stem to achieving the production or procurement of 7 billion kilowatt-hours of renewable energy globally every year by the end of 2020. That would touch a 600% upsurge aloof its 2010 levels. The Bentonville, Arkansas-based vent mettle further viewpoint to reduction the energy equal duty-bound to power the company's buildings the whole time the identical playhouse by 20%.Walmart expects its six-fold upsurge in utilizing renewable energy projects to be opposite number to eliminating the need for something like two U.S. fossil fuel power foliage. Based on outside estimates of estimated energy assignment and other factors, the two new commitments are owing to craft improved than 1 billion annually in energy savings in imitation of brim implemented. The union further expects to ignore 9 million metric tons of orangery gas emissions, the comparison of sack 1.5 million cars off the trace.In the Combined States pal, Walmart diplomacy to install solar power on at smallest number of 1,000 of its rooftops and facilities by 2020, an upsurge from exhibition aloof 200 solar projects promptly in custom or frozen advance. According to the Planetary Life Partnership Dead body, the union has improved solar power capacity and make of systems than any other union in America. It has further been cited by the U.S. Young Armor Citation as America's major user of onsite renewables, passing through improved onsite renewable power than any other union in the Combined States. In accumulation to onsite solar, the union mettle lane to increase projects in wind, fuel cells, and other technologies. It mettle further contain offsite renewable energy from utility-scale projects, such as large wind, micro-hydro, and geothermal projects. See the Walmart vigor distinct.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Simple Sources Of Alternative Energy

Simple Sources Of Alternative Energy
There is a lot of talk in the world today about the energy crisis and about ways that we can contribute to the solution. I don't know about you, but I get overwhelmed and tired when I hear about the nearly endless amount of problems that threaten our environment each day. I am tired of hearing about global solutions that are aimed at making massive changes. Instead, I want to hear about the small changes that I as an individual can make that will help our energy crisis. So I've done a little research for your sake and mine, and I've come up with a few basic methods of alternative energy that almost anyone can follow.

First, and rather obvious, is to drive your car as little as possible. I hate hearing about solutions that are so unrealistic that they will never happen. You know as well as I do that we cannot all stop driving our cars every day. But maybe, just maybe, we can all look for small and simple ways to carpool and to cut down on the amount that we need to drive. Do you have a neighbor that works with you? If so, then contribute to alternative energy by carpooling and leaving one of the cars at home. Or even better, look for every chance to walk or ride a bike. I think we get caught up in all of the scientific terms about energy resourcing that we forget the most true source of alternative energy: ourselves. The more we can use our physical bodies, the better health we will be in and the more we will be contributing to the international effort to save energy.

Other simple methods of going for alternative energy are to shut off lights during the day and let the natural light of the sun brighten up your room or office. I cannot tell you how many homes and offices I have entered in the middle of the day that had lights blaring while the sun was beating in from outisde. So take a good look around you and see what extra lights and other appliances you have plugged in that you really don't need to use. The chances are high that everyone reading this has a few small ways that they could save energy each day.

Looking for various alternative energy sources is what will save the world. Like candlelight? Then consider using candles to light your room at night while you read. The world may not be changed by one more order from the government, but it just might be changed as individuals do their part in helping find and use methods of alternative energy.
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