Saturday, June 28, 2014

Solar Thermal Engine

Solar Thermal Engine
The invention:

The first commercially practical plant for generating

electricity from solar energy.

The people behind the invention:

Frank Shuman (1862-1918), an American inventor

John Ericsson (1803-1889), an American engineer

Augustin Mouchout (1825-1911), a French physics professor

Power from the Sun

According to tradition, the Greek scholar Archimedes used

reflective mirrors to concentrate the rays of the Sun and set afire

the ships of an attacking Roman fleet in 212 b.c.e. The story illustrates

the long tradition of using mirrors to concentrate solar energy

from a large area onto a small one, producing very high


With the backing of Napoleon III, the Frenchman Augustin

Mouchout built, between 1864 and 1872, several steam engines

that were powered by the Sun. Mirrors concentrated the sun's rays

to a point, producing a temperature that would boil water. The

steam drove an engine that operated a water pump. The largest engine

had a cone-shaped collector, or "axicon," lined with silverplated

metal. The French government operated the engine for six

months but decided it was too expensive to be practical.

John Ericsson, the American famous for designing and building

the CivilWar ironclad ship Monitor, built seven steam-driven

solar engines between 1871 and 1878. In Ericsson's design,

rays were focused onto a line rather than a point. Long mirrors,

curved into a parabolic shape, tracked the Sun. The rays were focused

onto a water-filled tube mounted above the reflectors to

produce steam. The engineer's largest engine, which used an 11- x

16-foot trough-shaped mirror, delivered nearly 2 horsepower. Because

his solar engines were ten times more expensive than conventional

steam engines, Ericsson converted them to run on coal to

avoid financial loss.

Frank Shuman, a well-known inventor in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,

entered the field of solar energy in 1906. The self-taught engineer

believed that curved, movable mirrors were too expensive. His

first large solar engine was a hot-box, or flat-plate, collector. It lay

flat on the ground and had blackened pipes filled with a liquid that

had a low boiling point. The solar-heated vapor ran a 3.5-horsepower


Shuman's wealthy investors formed the Sun Power Company to

develop and construct the largest solar plant ever built. The site chosen

was in Egypt, but the plant was built near Shuman's home for

testing before it was sent to Egypt.

When the inventor added ordinary flat mirrors to reflect more

sunlight into each collector, he doubled the heat production of the

collectors. The 572 trough-type collectors were assembled in twentysix

rows. Water was piped through the troughs and converted to

steam. A condenser converted the steam to water, which reentered

the collectors. The engine pumped 3,000 gallons of water per minute

and produced 14 horsepower per day; performance was expected to

improve 25 percent in the sunny climate of Egypt.

British investors requested that professor C. V. Boys review the

solar plant before it was shipped to Egypt. Boys pointed out that the

bottom of each collector was not receiving any direct solar energy;

in fact, heat was being lost through the bottom. He suggested that

each row of flat mirrors be replaced by a single parabolic reflector,

and Shuman agreed. Shuman thought Boys's idea was original, but

he later realized it was based on Ericsson's design.

The company finally constructed the improved plant in Meadi,

Egypt, a farming district on the Nile River. Five solar collectors,

spaced 25 feet apart, were built in a north-south line. Each was

about 200 feet long and 10 feet wide. Trough-shaped reflectors were

made of mirrors held in place by brass springs that expanded

and contracted with changing temperatures. The parabolic mirrors

shifted automatically so that the rays were always focused on the

boiler. Inside the 15-inch boiler that ran down the middle of the collector,

water was heated and converted to steam. The engine produced

more than 55 horsepower, which was enough to pump 6,000

gallons of water per minute.

The purchase price of Shuman's solar plant was twice as high as

that of a coal-fired plant, but its operating costs were far lower. In

Egypt, where coal was expensive, the entire purchase price would

be recouped in four years. Afterward, the plant would operate for

practically nothing. The first practical solar engine was now in operation,

providing enough energy to drive a large-scale irrigation system

in the floodplain of the Nile River.

By 1914, Shuman's work was enthusiastically supported, and solar

plants were planned for India and Africa. Shuman hoped to

build 20,000 reflectors in the Sahara Desert and generate energy

equal to all the coal mined in one year, but the outbreak of World

War I ended his dreams of large-scale solar developments. The

Meadi project was abandoned in 1915, and Shuman died before the

war ended. Powerful nations lost interest in solar power and began

to replace coal with oil. Rich oil reserves were discovered in many

desert zones that were ideal locations for solar power.


Although World War I ended Frank Shuman's career, his breakthrough

proved to the world that solar power held great promise for

the future. His ideas were revived in 1957, when the Soviet Union

planned a huge solar project for Siberia. Alarge boiler was fixed on

a platform 140 feet high. Parabolic mirrors, mounted on 1,300 railroad

cars, revolved on circular tracks to focus light on the boiler. The

full-scale model was never built, but the design inspired the solar

power tower.

In the Mojave desert near Barstow, California, an experimental

power tower, Solar One, began operation in 1982. The system collects

solar energy to deliver steam to turbines that produce electric

power. The 30-story tower is surrounded by more than 1,800 mirrors

that adjust continually to track the Sun. Solar One generates

about 10 megawatts per day, enough power for 5,000 people.

Solar One was expensive, but future power towers will generate

electricity as cheaply as fossil fuels can. If the costs of the air and

water pollution caused by coal burning were considered, solar power

plants would already be recognized as cost effective. Meanwhile,

Frank Shuman's success in establishing and operating a thoroughly

practical large-scale solar engine continues to inspire research and


SEE ALSO : Compressed-air-accumulating power plant; Fuel cell;

Geothermal power; Nuclear power plant; Photoelectric cell; Photovoltaiccell ; SOLAR POWER



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