Saturday, October 11, 2014

How To Start A Solar Farm

How To Start A Solar Farm
The rush to clean green energy solutions is at its highest. Solar farms are one of such projects which offer efficient production of electricity and a healthy return on investment for both the landowner and investor. We at National Tax Credits Consultants (NTC), creatively custom tailor the Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) program to benefit our clients for maximum return.

If you are one of the following:

* A landowner looking to develop a solar farm on your parcel

* Green energy investor

* Real estate investor

* Pay more than 300,000 in taxes a year

* A group of taxpayers looking for a combined investment

* City or State development official

* And or other with similar interest

We encourage you to take the time and contact us today.

At National Tax Credits Consultants We are ready to engage and help you fulfill this goal of owning a Solar Energy Farm.

The Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is one of the most important federal policy mechanisms to support the deployment of solar energy in the United States. The Solar Investment Tax Credit continues to drive growth in the industry and job creation across the country. Producing green clean and safe energy is vital to our nation and planet healthy future. Moving in that direction must be a primary goal for each and every one who has the means. Contact us today and learn more about our program, NTC is here to help you.


The post How to Start a Solar Farm? appeared first on National Tax Credits Consultants LLC.


  1. You might qualify for a new government sponsored solar rebate program.
    Find out if you're eligble now!


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