During the meeting, Peter talked to Rotary Club members about solar energy, including actions the government is taking to fight the threat of climate change, such as promoting sustainable energy sources in businesses and private homes.
The California Clean Energy Act, for example, has allowed utility companies to install their own wind and solar farms and pass the costs on to consumers. The California Solar Initiative program, on the other hand, provides rebates to state residents who install solar panels on their home property or business. Additionally, homeowners in Riverside County a solar loan through the County's HERO program, which is a form of PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) financing that requires no income or minimum credit score requirements if the homeowners have at least 10% equity in their home and meet a few other conditions. PACE financing is repaid by the homeowner through their property taxes.
Actions such as these have helped the state of California set an example as a leader in solar projects and wind installation throughout the country. However, many Californians are unaware of the incentives for installing solar panels and other energy efficient technologies.
After sharing our solar panel knowledge with members of the Shadowridge Rotary Club, we got great feedback, including these kind words from Luene Corwin: "[Solaire] was well prepared, the information was accurate and informative, and it was presented in an entertaining manner that everyone enjoyed. It was well worth our time, and I would recommend the presentation to anyone interested in solar energy."
To schedule a clean energy seminar of your own or to learn more about the benefits of using solar panels for San Diego homeowners, contact us by calling 1-800-847-7751.
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