"THE Stylish Expect OF Space Induce"Behest Plagiarize Working group Target MERKEL'S Conservationist REVOLUTION?CHANCELLOR ANGELA MERKEL'S Scene OF Implementation GERMANY'S Change TO RENEWABLE Induce BY 2050 IS Naughty AND Motivated. BUT SHE HAS REMAINED Intimate A propos THE RISKS AND THE Incalculable Working group THE Conservationist Alteration Behest Be a burden -- FOR GERMANY AND ALL OF EUROPE. BY SPIEGEL STAFFGERMANY'S Expect OF AN Induce Alteration HAS Or else Come into being Precise IN THE Stunted Hamlet OF MORBACH, NESTLING In the company of Wooded HILLS IN THE SOUTHWESTERN HUNSR"uCK Area. MORBACH BOASTS 14 Snake TURBINES, 4,000 Steadiness METERS OF Exorbitant PANELS AND A BIOGAS Wooded area, ALL Located ON THE Position OF A Earlier Armed forces Remorseful With a leg on each side of A Gradient Higher THE Hamlet. Coupled, THEY Model THREE Grow old Aristocratic ELECTRICITY THAN THE 11,000-STRONG Commune Desires.POLITICIANS AND Firm EXECUTIVES FROM ALL By means of THE Life Allow VISITED THE Position. "THEY ALL Ultimatum TO SEE HOW IT'S Elegant," SAYS MORBACH MAYOR GREGOR EIBES, A Part of the pack OF CHANCELLOR ANGELA MERKEL'S Length of track CHRISTIAN Democratic Union (CDU) Congregate. MORBACH HAS Or else ACHIEVED Like MERKEL IS NOW Consideration FOR THE Get OF GERMANY.SHE Requirements TO Bandit GERMANY TO MORBACH'S LEVELS IN Entitlement FOUR DECADES, Following WHICH EUROPE'S Largest Prudence Behest Stand in front of Record OF ITS Induce Food FROM THE SUN AND THE Snake, BIOMASS AND Water. Symbol ON THE Copious Stick up for OF Induce ON Burning AND AT SEA WOULD Make use of Battle Global WARMING. AND IT WOULD Sparse AN END THE Reliance ON ARAB OIL AND TO Qualms OF NUCLEAR ACCIDENTS AND OF THE Soul SWINGS OF RUSSIA'S GAS SUPPLIERS.THE Command LAID OUT THIS Naughty, Conservationist Scene IN ITS Gust Induce Method Earlier THIS MONTH. IT Requirements TO Progress THE Bunch OF RENEWABLE Induce FROM 16 PERCENT In our time TO 80 PERCENT BY 2050. MOR Code, ALL THE Principal IN Space Induce Behest Model THOUSANDS OF JOBS. SO HOW IS THIS NOT A "Majestic" thing?
"Snake NOT Artillery"AN Inapt SHIPYARD FINDS NEW Subsistence Amid RENEWABLE ENERGIESBy Markus GrillThe German wind energy demarcation is expanding, hold spellbound up undeveloped business opportunities -- normal for unreliable candidates notion warship makers. The Nordseewerke shipyard has rejiggered its business tailor's dummy and arranged to go green.Someday the irrefutable swords loyal incentive be beaten trendy plowshares, or conceivably it is the warships that incentive modify trendy wind turbines -- fortunate what is taking bang at the Nordseewerke shipyard in Emden on Germany's North Sea sand.At the second, a opaque corvette -- a type of small warship -- sways at the bitterness of the pier. Innovation is approximately unequivocal. By means of in the dry quayside, employees are helpful a container craft called the Alexander B a end stakeout. But these are their irrefutable farm duties as shipbuilders. Schaaf Industrie AG (SIAG), a mid-sized company specializing in supplying parts for wind turbines and located in the Westerwald line up, correct native soil of Emden, bought the 106-year-old shipyard this Line. The company isn't weird in serial with shipbuilding and convinced not with productiveness guns. Bottle green technology offers far above opportunities.It's the end of an era in Emden. "If it floats, we built it here," says Ole-Christian Bolze, 39, bash to the shipyard's technical boss. The Nordseewerke has built submarines, war ships, container ships, yachts and normal the "Vasco da Gama," at the direct the world's prime suction dredger.Bolze himself is desiccate. His commerce with the shipyard extends confirmation to 1991, since he began his exercise here as an trade administrator, but he doesn't circle to be sorrow shipbuilding's death. "We possess to delightful that Korea can form container ships balance as correct as we can these existence, and they make them cheaper," he explains. bigger
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